Losing Your Wallet Can Make You Lose Your Mind..

A friend of mine recently lost her wallet and it made me realize just how painfully annoying that can be emotionally and physically.  In her case, her wallet was actually stolen from her at a bar in Boston and someone used her credit cards to run up bills of a couple thousand dollars in less […]

Is balancing your checkbook an out-dated process?

Is balancing your checkbook an out-dated process?  Does anyone actually do this anymore?  Balancing a checkbook is something that I remember my parents diligently doing when I was a child.  I can remember some Sunday nights when my father would sit down with all the bills, the checkbook registers and the bank statements to make sure everything balanced to the […]

Are You Getting The Best Deal on Your Auto Insurance??

As I sit at work I can hear my new coworker, recently relocated to Massachusetts, randomly calling insurance agencies in the Boston area looking to insure her car. Realizing that she does not know anyone in the area I decide to give her my insurance guy’s information to help her out. As I approach her […]

Get to know your local LIBRARY!

Can you remember when you were a child and you got your first library card?  It was the key to a world of imagination where you could learn about anything you wanted!  You could go to the library and spend hours looking through pictures in books and reading about new, exciting topics; gaining knowledge on […]

The CRAVE Company